- Personal
- Start importing
- Import Prohibited and restricted imports
- Import animals
- Tobacco
- Commercial vessels
- Cruise ship operators
- Valuation for import
- Lodge your import entry
- Preferential tariff duty rates
- Customs rulings
- Customs rates of exchange
- Import payments
- MyCustoms Account
- Deferred accounts for importers
- Deferred accounts for brokers
- Refunds and drawbacks
- Split shipments
- Import forms and documents
- Export
- Paying Customs - Business
- What is excise?
- Apply for a licence
- Lodge your excise entry
- Claim excise duty remission or refund
- Pay excise duty and other charges
- Apply for excise duty credit or drawback
- Moving excisable items
- Changing, suspending or cancelling your licence
- Amend, surrender or transfer your licence
- Change your entry or payment timeframe
- Excise forms and documents
- Excise Duty Estimator
- Duty-free alcohol permits
- Penalties, fines and fees
- Working Tariff Document
- Tariff concessions
- Tariff concession notices
- Consolidated List of Approvals
- Preferential tariffs
- Tariff ruling request
- Tariff classifications and rates
- Non-tariff barriers
Free Trade Agreements
- ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area Agreement (AANZFTA)
- Australia–New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA)
- Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement
- Generalised System of Preferences (LDC and LLDC countries)
- New Zealand–China Free Trade Agreement
- New Zealand-European Union Free Trade Agreement
- New Zealand–Hong Kong, China Closer Economic Partnership Agreement
- New Zealand-Korea Free Trade Agreement
- New Zealand-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement
- New Zealand-Singapore Closer Economic Partnership (ANZSCEP)
- New Zealand–Thailand Closer Economic Partnership Agreement
- New Zealand-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
- South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Co-operation Agreement (SPARTECA)
- Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership
- Further Trade Agreements
Trade Single Window (TSW)
- Getting started
Latest news
- Green light for Customs, MPI and industry Domestic Transhipment (DTR) Pilot
- MPI ready to go live with Risk & Intelligence project
- Location of Goods required for sea freight from 2 June 2020
- Location of Goods required for sea freight
- Transition phase
- Updated CCA procedure statements from 1 October
- Updates to procedure statements for electronic notifications
- WCO3 Mandating Update
- WCO3 Mandating Update
- Latest version of MIGs packages now available for software developers
- WCO3 Adoption update - Inward Cargo Reports
- TSW Mandatory Date
- Industry Information Sessions
- TSW Mandatory Date Decision September 2017
- TSW WCO3 Mandatory Adoption Date
- Current TSW status
- Urgent Clearance
- Summary of TSW Messages
- Location of goods codes
- Resource material
- Domestic Transhipment Request
- Doing business with Customs
- Customs-controlled Areas
About us
- About Customs
Border Executive Board
- About the Border Executive Board
Released Information
- Annual Reports
- Border Forecasting
- Briefings to Incoming Ministers
- Collective Responsibility for an Integrated Border System and COVID-19 Border Defences
- Maritime COVID-19 scenarios for cruise ships
- Review of COVID-19 Border Measures (Aviation)
- Review of COVID-19 Border Measures (Maritime)
- Review of Border Worker Testing and Vaccination (Maritime and Aviation)
- Rapid Review of Border Worker Testing (MIQ)
- Strategic Direction - Border Executive Board
- Contact the Board
- New Zealand Traveller Declaration
- Customs careers
- Customs operational policy
Information releases
- Infringements
- Legislation
Important notices
- Consultation: Customs Long-Term Insights Briefing
- New excise duty rates for tobacco products, cigarettes and heated tobacco products from 1 January 2025
- New border processing levy rates in force on 1 December 2024
- Text message scam impersonating Customs
- Notification of intention to incorporate by reference: updated AANZFTA PSRs
- Decisions on border processing levies
- Updated requirements for graphic material importers and manufacturers
- Import Entry Transaction Fee refunds
- Consultation: Recovering the costs of goods management activities at the border
- Decrease in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy (PEFML) on 1 July 2024
- Consulting on border levies for travellers
- Reduction in duty on heated tobacco products on 1 July 2024
- Customs investigating a scam involving fictitious cargo
- New excise duty and levy rates for alcohol from 1 July 2024
- Supplier Code Search
- Voluntary disclosure guidance now available
- Email phishing scams impersonating Customs staff
- Notification of intention to incorporate by reference
- New and continued Russia Sanctions
- Implications of shipping disruptions in the Red Sea
- Fee for regulated tyres under the Waste Minimisation (Tyres) Regulations 2023
- Supply chain risks from the Israel-Hamas conflict
- Part II Concession Ref 80(b), (c) and (d) - New Written Undertaking forms
- Reminder: Classification of vaping devices and similar
- New excise duty rates for tobacco and tobacco products from 1 January 2024
- Cancellation of Import Entries for the purpose of changing the payment method is not permitted
- Steel research levy rate changes from 11 December 2023
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy rate changes from 1 January 2024
- Secure Trade Lane – Project Update
- Customs Rules for Inward Cargo Reports
- Review of Customs' secondary legislation is underway
- AANZFTA Upgrade
- Exporting gets easier with online application
- Draft public guidance on voluntary disclosures available for comment
- Minor amendments made to Concessions 80 and 81 of Part II of the Tariff
- Changes to Customs Goods fees in 2023 and 2024
- Increase in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy (PEFML) on 1 July 2023
- Reminder: Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits removed -return to full rate on 1 July 2023
- Quicker connections to Japanese consumers
- Online car scam
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2023
- Cancelling unused deferred payment accounts over 2 years
- Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits removed - return to full rate on 1 July 2023
- Updating Customs Goods Fees in 2023 and 2024
- Weather event support
- Reminder for departing yachts on C4G/Temporary Import Entry
- Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits extended- return to full rate on 1 July 2023
- Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits extended - return to full rate on 1 July 2023
- Update: Imposition of anti-dumping duties on aluminium – zinc coated steel from the Republic of Korea
- Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits extended - phased return to full rate on 31 March 2023
- A reminder of specific Other Information Field (OINF) codes
- "Luxury goods” import and export ban
- Passenger Arrival Cards have been updated
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy rate changes from 1 January 2023
- New excise duty rates for tobacco and tobacco products from 1 January 2023
- Entry Procedures - Low Value Items
- The Comptroller has recently made amendments to the Customs (Arriving Passenger and Crew Declarations) Rules 2018
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy rate changes from 1 January 2023
- Why is web accessibility important?
- Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
- Ports and marinas reopen to recreational vessel, small craft and yacht arrivals
- Prescribed form for Border Cash Reporting
- Prohibition on import of gold of Russian origin
- Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits extended
- The Comptroller has recently made two new Rules
- Request for Tenders: Cook Islands technical assistance required
- Variation to the Automated Electronic System finalised: Integrating eGates with the NZTD system
- Reduction of excise duty rates for motor spirits extended update
- Exporting New Zealand Grape Wine Direct To Consumer (DTC)
- Increase in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy (PEFML) on 1 July 2022
- Changes to declarant pin testing
- New Health Promotion Agency (HPA) levy rates for alcohol from 30 June 2022
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2022
- Update: Continued imposition of anti-dumping duties on preserved peaches from Spain; and goods currently subject to anti-dumping duties
- Guidance on the term “en route to New Zealand” in respect of the Russia Sanctions Regulations 2022
- Russia Sanctions Update: 35 percent import tariff from 25 April 2022
- Russia Sanctions Updated Regulations
- Domestic Transhipment Request (DTR) for Air Cargo
- Passenger arrival cards have been updated
- Russian Sanctions: Information for Exporters and Importers
- US Liaison Officers on the road again
- Important Notice to Importers
- Export Controls in place: Russian Federation and Belarus
- Customs Duty scam returns
- New excise duty rates for motor spirits - March 2022
- Notice for Brokers: Importation of Rapid Antigen Tests
- Important message for Importers of COVID-19 tests
- The Comptroller has recently made four new Rules
- Significant increases in freight volumes
- Rules of Origin - 2022 versions now published
- Revised Tariff from 1 January 2022
- Customs duty scam
- Product Specific Rules
- Border Cash Reports review
- Changes to border processing levies
- Secure Exports Scheme expansion
- Concession Advertising Notice No. 33 2021 - Special Situation
- Vessel Rio De La Plata - Cargo to be released in Napier
- Registering as a food importer
- Decrease in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy (PEFML) on 1 July 2021
- TSW Update: Domestic Transhipment Pilot Project Confirmed
- Exports to China and South East Asia
- New Health Promotion Agency (HPA) Levy rates for alcohol from 1 July 2021
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2021
- BPL consultation 2021
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (SGG) Levy Regulations consultation
- Changes to Goods Clearance Fees
- Anti-dumping update
- Removal of obsolete concession
- Update: Re-imposition of anti-dumping duties on galvanised wire from Malaysia; and goods currently subject to anti-dumping duties
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy rate changes from 1 January 2021
- New excise duties rates for tobacco and tobacco products from 1 January 2021
- Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus (PACER Plus) enters into Force on 13 December 2020
- Update: Imposition of provisional anti-dumping duties on galvanised wire from China and goods currently subject to anti-dumping duties
- Malicious text message hits New Zealand
- Counters closing
- Changing the way we work with our brokers
- New AISA between Customs and Inland Revenue
- Update: Imposition of provisional anti-dumping duties on galvanised wire from China and goods currently subject to anti-dumping duties
- Whaea Dolly Paul
- Good news for New Zealand Exporters to Viet Nam
- Economic Recovery - E-Commerce
- Change to TSW lodgements
- Changes to the Arms Act 1983 – June 2020
- Increase in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy (PEFML) on 1 July 2020
- New excise duty rates for motor spirits from 1 July 2020
- New Health Promotion Agency Levy rates for alcohol
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2020
- CAA- temporary discretion to accept late appeals
- Essential and non-essential goods
- Tariff Concessions: A response to the COVID-19 event
- Amendment to the Malaysia - New Zealand Free Trade Agreement
- Update - change in depreciation rates for used motor vehicles
- Customs duty email scam targeting the public
- Change in depreciation rates for used motor vehicles
- Changes for imported firearms, firearm parts and weapons
- Used passenger buses concession reinstatement
- Ombudsman announces new OIA inquiry
- Good clearance fees from 1 June 2020
- Decisions on review of goods clearance fees
- Tobacco excise increase on 1 January 2020
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy rate changes from 1 January 2020
- Changes to requirements for deferred payment account holders to provide securities
- Advice for commercial vessels directed to leave NZ
- Update on changes to the Arms Act 1983
- Review of goods clearance fees
- New Customs Service Delivery email address
- New GST rules for low-value imported goods
- Arms prohibition order update
- Update to MPI Biosecurity System Entry Levy
- Annual Goods Client Survey 2019
- Used passenger buses concession withdrawn
- Increase in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy on 1 July 2019
- New Health Promotion Levy on alcohol
- New excise duty rates for motor spirits - June 2022
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2019
- Changes to payment methods
- Annual Passenger Survey
- Changes to the Arms Act 1983
- Valuation Rulings: creating more certainty for commercial importers
- Goods affected by Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
- Updated advice on Brown Marmorated Stink Bug invested vessels
- New excise duties rates for tobacco and tobacco products from 1 January 2019
- Record highs forecast this summer
- WTD reprinted effective 30 December 2018
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy changes from 1 January 2019
- Proposal to allow Customs to join AISA
- New excise duty rates for motor spirits 2018
- What's My Duty Mobile App removal
- Mid-year Passenger Survey launched
- Excise Declarant Competency Assessment
- Customer readiness survey 2018
- HPA Levy rates for alcohol 1 July 2018
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2018
- Strengthening supply chains and reducing delays
- Email scam alert
- WCO3 information sessions
- Marmorated Stink Bugs
- NZBN mandatory in TSW Registrations from 28 January
- New rates for tobacco and tobacco products
- WTO - ITA Concessions transferred
- Customs ABC staff relocate to ACIF
- WTO - IT Agreement Concessions being transferred
- TSW administrator function now available to all
- New mandatory date proposed for WCO3 messages
- Changes to Customs forms
- Barriers to trade: Non-tariff barriers
- Fuels: Increase in PEFML 1 July 2017
- New HPA Levy rates for alcohol
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2017
- Sending Certificate of Origin data to China
- JBMS Release 10 outage 7–8 April 2017
- Rules of Origin — 2017 versions now published
- Synthetic Greenhouse Gas (Goods) Levy rate changes
- New excise duties rates for tobacco and tobacco products from 1 January 2022
- New excise duties rates for tobacco and tobacco products
- Advice for licensed manufacturing areas affected by earthquake
- Upcoming Regulation changes to streamline alcohol excise
- Certificate of Origin data for export entries to China
- Low value imports – update and next steps
- Tariff classification of men's swimwear made from woven fabric
- New excise duty rates for alcohol from 1 July 2016
- New HPA Levy rates for alcohol from 1 July 2016
- FUELS: Increase in the Petroleum or Engine Fuel Monitoring Levy (PEFML) on 1 July 2016
- Application of the Part 2 reference 75 concession (Presents or gifts)
- Tariff changes from 1 October 2017
Media releases
- Passenger jailed for six-and-a-half years for 4.4 kgs of drugs
- Customs celebrates successes on International Customs Day
- Customs arrests passenger for 31 kilograms of methamphetamine in suitcases
- Three-and-a-half year jail sentence following Customs investigation
- New year begins with Customs arrests for three alleged drug couriers
- More than $2.5m worth of assets restrained in undeclared tobacco case
- More New Zealanders embracing digital travel declarations over paper forms on planes
- Customs seizes 28.5kg of methamphetamine in abandoned bags
- Customs arrests passenger with gift-wrapped methamphetamine
- Customs arrests Auckland businessman after two million cigarettes smuggled into country
- Customs returns 60 kilograms of pounamu to rightful guardians
- Customs hosts Asia-Pacific financial crime experts
- Customs arrests three men for separate child sexual abuse related offences
- Steely joint operation lands half a tonne of methamphetamine
- Christchurch man jailed for online child sexual abuse offences
- Customs opens eGates for all European Union Member States
- International experts combine forces to target criminal infiltration in global supply chains
- Auckland businessman sentenced following Customs tobacco case
- Customs GBL case lands man in jail
- Consultation launched on changes to goods management fees
- Combatting online child exploitation this Child Safeguarding Week
- Customs seizes 47 kgs of methamphetamine at Auckland Airport
- A decade of chemical detection at the border
- Customs arrests drug courier for 9.9 kgs methamphetamine
- Rotorua man jailed for child sexual abuse files
- Trio sentenced for smuggling half a million cigarettes
- Former airport baggage handlers jailed for their part in drugs case
- International investigation results in arrests, drugs seized and millions in assets restrained
- Customs arrangement to strengthen New Zealand and India cooperation
- Drug courier jailed for smuggling 2 kilograms of methamphetamine
- Customs makes further arrest for 58kg methamphetamine in bitumen shipment
- Joint investigation seizes millions in drugs, busts international crime cell
- Protecting borders and the ‘burbs - new dog teams from Police and Customs graduate
- Customs arrests businessman for wound back odometers
- International cooperation stops 1.6 tonnes of drugs reaching New Zealand
- Man arrested over imported tea that turns out to be illicit tobacco
- Man before court on multiple drugs charges following joint investigation
- Customs and Navy stop transnational organised crime cocaine smuggling attempt
- Customs opens eGates for 10-year-olds and six more countries
- Customs arrests Christchurch man for child sexual abuse material
- Northland man jailed for sharing child sexual abuse material
- Customs arrests five; cigarettes, guns and cash seized
- Traveller jailed for cocaine-filled suitcase and cosmetics
- Passenger jailed for attempting to smuggle 26 kilograms of methamphetamine
- NZ agencies urge young people to be safe online as reports of online child exploitation continue to rise
- A step forward for simpler trade between New Zealand and Singapore
- Man jailed for smuggling six tonnes tobacco and evading $10 million
- Operation Reach: Police, Customs squash drug importation plans, eleven arrested to date
- International travellers can ditch paper and go digital
- Customs investigation sends Waikato man behind bars
- Transnational partnership puts a stop to transnational crime
- Customs bags 63kg of illicit drugs at Auckland Airport
- Child sexual abuse images lead to jail time for Auckland man
- Joint operation targets methamphetamine supply in Gore
- Cocaine found in unclaimed bags at Auckland Airport
- Customs investigation results in jail time for Wairarapa man
- A key organiser in drug smuggling case jailed for 14 years
- Customs seizes ecstasy and methamphetamine from imported vehicles
- Wellington Police charge two men for importing large quantities of ketamine in joint operation with Customs
- Building Customs drug detection across the Pacific
- Customs warns drug couriers after two are jailed
- Combatting online child exploitation this World Children’s Day
- Customs seizes 35-kilograms of cocaine in Tauranga
- Rotorua man jailed after Customs investigates objectionable videos
- Customs seizes methamphetamine at Auckland Airport
- Customs arrests Wellington man for child exploitation videos
- Customs seizes nearly 26 kilograms of methamphetamine at Auckland Airport
- Joint Police and Customs investigation sees millions of dollars' worth of drugs seized, four charged
- Operation Brewer: Joint Police and Customs investigation sees gangs’ importation plans quashed; nine charged and methamphetamine seized
- Cocaine seized in Customs investigation in Tauranga
- Man faces jail following Customs investigations into online child exploitation
- Further sentences handed down in multi-million-dollar drug smuggling case
- Customs investigation leads to jail time for Auckland man
- Travellers flying to New Zealand can now do their arrival declaration online
- Rotorua man jailed following Customs investigation
- Delivering on trade with China
- Auckland man jailed for smuggling card skimming equipment
- Three people sentenced following successful Customs’ investigation into identity documents forgery ring
- New Zealand paper arrival card goes digital
- Operation Chartruese: Arrests made, drugs, cars and luxury watches seized
- New traveller arrival declaration legislation comes into force
- Operation Regis: Police, Customs, alongside international partners, intercept billions worth of methamphetamine at the border
- Customs arrest three for smuggling half million cigarettes
- Strengthening relations with Thailand
- Streamlining trade with Thailand
- Methamphetamine drug courier jailed in Customs-led case
- Joint NZ Police-Customs Operation Viceroy: Four people arrested as part of methamphetamine operation
- Three arrested, drugs and firearms seized, as Police and Customs disrupt illegal activity
- Cocaine seized at Auckland Airport
- Customs seizes cocaine after ship docks in Tauranga
- Customs to support cyclone-affected businesses with duty relief
- Customs publishes cargo clearance study
- Russia Sanctions Reminder: Sanctioned entities / individuals / “Luxury goods” import and export ban
- Cash, methamphetamine recovered as Police and Customs cut off organised crime group's link in NZ
- Customs arrest Rotorua man for child sexual abuse materials
- Operation Hydros: Police, Customs and NZDF recover half a billion dollars’ worth of cocaine at sea
- Christchurch man jailed for child sexual abuse materials
- Customs arrests Wairarapa man for objectionable publications
- Customs staff recognised for outstanding public service
- Joint operation results in rhino horn seizure
- Police, Customs and Pacific nations celebrate dog graduation success
- Customs makes two arrests for alleged Auckland Airport backpack drug smuggling
- Auckland businessman arrested in Customs illegal tobacco case
- New Zealand hub of the Pacific Transnational Crime Network confirmed to continue vital work
- Christchurch man gets 16 years’ jail for drug smuggling and money laundering
- Latest trade sanctions in effect 4 November 2022
- Drug dealer jailed for ketamine and ecstasy smuggling
- Customs collects more than $17.5 billion for New Zealand in the past year
- Six accused in court over Customs’ prosecution for unlawful activity
- New Zealand Traveller Declaration to replace paper Arrival Card in 2023
- Customs makes a further arrest over methamphetamine in suitcase
- Man jailed for 10 years for failed drug smuggling attempt
- Arrest follows international tip-offs to Customs over alleged child exploitation material
- Auckland man lands community detention for fashion imports
- New Customs post in Tokyo to open opportunities in North Asia
- Seizure and arrest by Police and Customs, targeting organised crime in Southland
- Mutual Recognition Arrangement to ease trade with the United Kingdom
- Customs arrests man for smuggling 62 kilograms of methamphetamine
- Arrest at Auckland International Airport for smuggling methamphetamine
- Operation Lithium sees drugs seized and three arrested
- Cocaine, methamphetamine and cash seized in Operation Bali
- Stubbing out tobacco smuggling and other changes
- Jail term for $4.9 million tobacco fraudster
- Passenger jailed for carrying child sexual abuse material
- New Zealand Traveller Declaration open for all travellers
- Retirement of detector dog Casey
- Record breaking cocaine seizure in shipment
- New Zealand and the Netherlands welcome new information sharing agreement
- Operation Weirton: NZ's largest ever seizure of methamphetamine at the border
- Overseas partnerships acknowledged on International Customs Day
- Auckland woman sentenced for tobacco smuggling
- 14 people charged today, 24 in total, following months-long investigation into drug smuggling at Auckland Airport and Ports of Auckland
- Fourteen people arrested following joint operation into drug smuggling at Auckland Airport
- Customs warns of scam text messages in circulation
- Hamilton man jailed for online sexual child exploitation
- Customs arrests four men for online child sexual exploitation
- Arrangements in place for fishing vessel Viking Bay to dock in Wellington
- Customs drives work on COVID-19 vaccine delivery for APEC economies
- Men jailed for New Zealand’s largest methamphetamine seizure at border
- Oamaru man jailed for child sexual exploitation publications
- All MIQ and government border workers vaccinated by 1 May
- Man jailed for 113 kg methamphetamine hidden in avocado pulp
- Northland man jailed for sexually exploiting children
- Romanian nationals jailed for card skimming
- Customs arrests Malaysian tobacco smuggling syndicate
- Customs arrests Auckland man for attempting to smuggle 2.2 million cigarettes
- Man jailed for uploading child sexual exploitation publications
- Customs arrests AKL man for 75,000 cigarettes and welcomes sentencing for largest-ever fraud case
- Customs arrests two New Zealanders trying to smuggle 20kgs of methamphetamine
- Chinese national arrested for importing multiple drug packages
- Police acknowledges sentencing following Tauranga drug operation
- Romanian nationals arrested for card skimming gear
- Man arrested at airport for child sexual abuse images and videos
- Two Fijians arrested in Tauranga for methamphetamine
- Dunedin fraudster arrested and $6M assets restrained
- Customs cracks down on tobacco smuggling
- Customs collects more than $15 Bn for Crown in the past year
- Customs processes and risk assesses a record 14.46 million international passengers
- Two NZers jailed for importing/ possessing child sexual exploitation material
- Puffer jackets packed with cocaine
- Customs processes record number of import/export transactions
- Customs’ biggest methamphetamine seizure
- Customs patrol vessel to visit Waitangi for community open days
- Auckland man arrested for smuggling 483,600 cigarettes
- Customs seizes 100 kg meth and arrests two men
- Travelling child sex offender jailed
- Two men arrested in Tauranga for 25 kg of ephedrine
- Hamilton man arrested for child sexual abuse publications
- NZDF supports training of Customs' Detector Dogs
- Customs arrests four air passengers after 22 kg of drugs found in suitcases
- Customs arrests two New Zealanders for child exploitation material
- Customs confirms changes after eGate system review
- New instant fines for minor offences
- Customs arrangement with Hong Kong to benefit New Zealand trade
- Customs seizes 110 kg of methamphetamine and handguns
- eGates open to travellers from Singapore
- Brazilian drug trafficker sentenced to 6 years 3 months in jail
- 1.8 million smuggled cigarettes seized
- Record-breaking cocaine seizure in banana shipment
- Customs improves the cruise ship passenger arrival experience
- No international departure cards from Monday 5 November
- Customs arrests man for multiple drug import offences
- Customs legislation change positive for business and public alike
- Canadian sentenced for meth in toner cartridges
- Kiwi man jailed for importing meth and firearm possession
- New Plymouth winemakers convicted and ordered to pay more than $15,000
- Rajax putting his paws up after six years
- Woman jailed for smuggling meth-filled condoms
- Airport arrest nets $1.3 M worth of cocaine
- Customs arrests man for importing child sex doll
- Another drug courier sentenced for cocaine smuggling
- Customs warns online child exploitation offenders
- Smuggling methamphetamine packages earns hefty sentence
- New Customs law good news for everyone
- Customs and Excise Bill passes 3rd reading
- Airport arrest nets $1.9 M worth of cocaine
- Canadian 'visitor' arrested for 18 kg meth in toner cartridges
- Canadian jailed for smuggling $8M meth in footstool
- Tobacco seizures prompts Customs reminder on limits
- Brazilian jailed for carrying cocaine
- Tonne of drugs kept off our streets
- Russians jailed for smuggling $2.1 M ecstasy
- Another cocaine smuggler fails to get past Customs
- Operation Cossack
- Record Summer Operation
- Crime doesn’t pay for cocaine courier
- Cocaine courier's greed earns him jail time
- Customs and Police dismantle drug networks
- Israeli trio sentenced for carrying $3.6 M MDMA crystals
- French visitor arrested for 24 kg cocaine haul
- Mutual Recognition Agreement with Hong Kong a step closer
- eGates open to four more countries this summer
- Seven people arrested in meth and cannabis network
- eGate open to Chinese travellers
- Arrests after meth seizure in Christchurch
- Brazilian drug courier to spend 'holiday' behind bars
- $20 M cocaine interception in Tauranga
- Fraudster jailed for evading $4 M of alcohol duty
- Czech 'visitor' sentenced for $20 M meth in suitcase
- Seven arrested for smuggling over 100 kg of meth
- Japanese nationals jailed for ephedrine smuggling
- Latvian passengers arrested for cocaine in suitcases
- 2.3 kgs meth in false bottom suitcase
- Sistema joins Secure Exports Scheme
- Operation Azteca sentencing
- Brazilian passenger arrested for $3.2M cocaine
- Police seize large quantity of psychoactive substances
- Charges filed for breach of UN Sanctions
- Drug ring sentenced to 54 years' imprisonment
- Police and Customs pleased with success of Operation Tiger
- Customs wins at Public Sector Excellence Awards 2017
- Four jailed for liquid meth in wine bottles
- Eight years’ jail for Brazilian $3.2M cocaine courier
- Kiwi man gets 5 months’ jail for meth in pocket
- Customs arrests Canadian for $4.8M meth candles
- New detector dogs bolster NZ and Fiji border security
- Man jailed for 15 years for smuggling $176M meth
- Trio arrested for smuggling $2.1M MDMA
- Couple in custody for multiple meth packages
- 10 years in the ‘can’ for importing tins of ‘chicken stock’ meth
- Coin seals patrol vessel’s good fortune
- Partnership approach disrupts new form of meth importation
- Completed Trade Single Window now in place
- Customs stops 1.2 tonnes of meth
- Tobacco fraudster jailed
- Customs cracks down on child exploitation
- Hanging up the harness - Detector Jerry retires
- Pawsing from the frontline - Detector Dog Indy retires
- Australia's biggest cocaine interception
- Three ‘tourists’ arrested for $5M MDMA in suitcases
- Savvy sniffers boost protection at NZ border and prisons
- Advice to travellers – medicinal cannabis
- Team to pinpoint border risk
- Customs seizes $176M of meth from shipping containers
- Canadian arrested after Customs stops 'P' filled concrete footstool
- Three people charged with importing meth
- Man jailed for importing precursors for $8M worth of 'P'
- Latvian traveller jailed for smuggling 'P'
- Visitor jailed for $1.9M precursor packages
- Taiwanese man jailed for 'P'-lined suitcases
- Woman jailed for $1M ‘P’ in pork cans
- HK man arrested for $20M meth in spatula sets
- Two women arrested for smuggling $7M meth
- Australia and New Zealand sign arrangement to streamline trade
- Half tonne of drugs now worthless
- Man jailed for 6 years 10 months for importing meth in neck pillows
- Handbags hiding $30M ‘P’ don’t gel with Customs
- Largest ever cocaine seizure
- Man arrested for $2M meth in trolley bag
- Oamaru man arrested for importing ‘P’
- $20M meth seizure at Auckland Airport
- Customs destroys half tonne of illicit drugs
- Passenger arrested for $1.5M meth in baby carriers
- Public confidence in Customs high
- Meth supplier in Bangkok arrested
- Customs and Police stop $40M meth
- Man jailed for child sexual abuse publications
- $1.5M of meth found in neck pillows
Social Media posts
- Customs catches alleged drug courier with 14 kilograms of methamphetamine
- Our dogs getting trained by the best
- Progressing partnerships with India
- New dogs destined for disrupting drug crime in the Pacific
- Customs celebrates four new detector dog teams!
- Customs agreement with The Netherlands enters into force
- Customs welcome a delegation from the Customs Administration of the Netherlands
- Detector Dog Kale reunites with his foster family
- Customs methamphetamine seizures land a man more than 10 years in jail
- Brendan Pearce attends Operation Mekong Dragon Briefing
- Mike Dickey retires after 65 years of public service
- We have lift off!
- Criminal infiltration in the supply chain
- Customs-led APEC assessment report has been published
- Customs staff recognised for public service excellence
- Promoting diversity is not just the ‘right’ or ‘fair’ thing -- it’s the smart thing
- An interest in law enforcement leads to a career at Customs
- Pacific dog handlers welcomed
- National Dog Championships 2022
- Border Protect team shares success with the Minister
- Heretaunga Haukū Nui
- Detector dogs are helping French Polynesia to combat drug smuggling in the Pacific
- Detector Dog Willow is retiring
- Congratulations to Pete Shepherd for reaching 50 years at Customs!
- Keeping meth out of our communities
- Detector Dogs Bella, Walt and Waka graduate
- Remembering our fallen
- Border Protect turns 1
- The power of reliving positive memories through photos
- Celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Jacinda
- Celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Dana
- Celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Taane
- Celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Siobhan,Manager Information Sharing and Privacy
- Celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori: Lisa, Supervising Customs Officer Outreach to Māori Exporters
Important notices
- Website privacy statement
- Sitemap
- Statistics
- Subscribe to Customs Release
- Travel movements request
- Using our website
Your information
- Contact us