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Frequently asked questions: Duty-free shopping

Get answers to common questions about duty-free concessions for travellers.

What are the tobacco concessions for travellers coming to New Zealand?


The duty free tobacco limit for travellers coming to New Zealand is 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products. 


What if I have more than my allowance when I come through the airport?


It’s ok to bring more than 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products into New Zealand, but this must be declared on your passenger arrival card. You will not be charged any duty on the first 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products. You must pay duty and GST on the rest, or abandon it in the cigarette and tobacco disposal bin provided.


What if I don’t declare my excess tobacco?


Your excess tobacco will be seized and, if you are found to be deliberately trying to avoid paying duty, you may be prosecuted.


Where and how can I pay the duty and GST?


You can pay duty and GST for your tobacco at a BASK (Border Agency Service Desk) or at a Service Delivery desk. If you have trouble locating this, a Customs Officer will point you in the right direction. You can pay by cash, bank debit card or credit card (1.6 % extra).

您可以在关防服務台為您的烟草支付关税和消费税。或至服务提供柜台支付。如果您找不到的話,海关官员会幫您指出正确的方向。您可以使用现金,銀行借記卡 或 信用卡付款 (得加1.6%费用)

How can I abandon my tobacco at the airport?


You can place any unwanted tobacco in the disposal bins that are located in the arrivals areas of the airports. (The baggage claim area and Customs search area.)


What happens to abandoned tobacco?


All abandoned tobacco is destroyed.  It is not kept or sold by Customs.


What if I have more than the tobacco allowance when I am on a cruise ship?


The duty free tobacco limit applies only when passengers disembark the vessel – only 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of cigars or tobacco products can be brought off the vessel, duty free.

免税烟草额度仅适用于旅客下船登岸的时后 - 旅客的烟草免税额度为50支的香烟或50公克的雪茄或烟草制品。